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Changes in cat behaviour after sterilisation

Sterilisation is a common and recommended procedure for cats, as it offers multiple benefits for both cat health and behaviour. However, many cat guardians wonder how their feline’s personality will change after sterilisation, and whether there are differences between males and females. We will look at the behavioural changes that can occur in both sexes…

What can we learn from our dogs?

Having a dog at home goes far beyond sharing space with a companion animal. Our dogs become part of the family, unconditional companions who teach us valuable life lessons every day. Unlike humans, dogs seem to have an innate ability to enjoy the present moment and the simple things. There is much we can learn…

How to boost your dog’s sense of smell: games and exercises to stimulate its keenest sense of smell

Dogs’ sense of smell is their superpower: they can detect smells that are imperceptible to us. By training and enhancing this sense, you not only help them develop skills that are part of their instinct, but you also contribute to their mental and physical well-being. Find out how to stimulate your dog’s sense of smell…

Guide to caring for your cat in heat

Descubre los mejores consejos para minimizar (o eliminar definitivamente) los efectos del celo en tu gato o gata.

Common cat diseases and how to prevent them

Cats are strong and independent animals, but like any living thing, they are exposed to a variety of diseases that can affect their health. Being aware of the most common conditions and taking preventive measures is essential to ensure a long and happy life for our feline friends. Among the most common illnesses are kidney…

Body language. What does our dog want to tell us?

Dogs don’t just bark to communicate. Their main language is body language and understanding what they want to tell us can help us improve our relationship with them, encourage healthy development and prevent behavioural problems. Here’s how to interpret the most common signals in your dog’s body language. 1. Body language of a relaxed dog…

The Big Decision: adopting a dog

Adopting a dog is a life-changing decision for both the animal and you. It is important to consider what kind of needs the dog has and what kind of lifestyle you have. Once you have made your decision, it is time to understand that every dog has a unique history, and often these histories are…

Growing a puppy: the first 2 months

The development of a puppy from weaning to two months old is a critical stage involving significant physical, behavioural and nutritional changes. During this period, puppies experience accelerated growth and require specific care to ensure their health and well-being. In this article, we will explore these changes from the perspectives of growth, development, learning, feeding…

Cats’ body language

Movement is one of the most essential and primitive forms of communication in the animal kingdom. Before the appearance of verbal language, living beings depended on their bodies to express emotions, intentions and needs. Through postures, gestures and movements, social bonds are established and strengthened, conflicts are resolved and survival is ensured. In cats, this…

Gluten intolerant dogs and cats

Like humans, some animals may not tolerate gluten well. Today we will talk about gluten intolerance in dogs and cats, its symptoms and how to manage it properly. What is gluten? Gluten is a protein found mainly in wheat, but also in other cereals such as rye, oats and barley. Some cereals that do not…





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