This coming Sunday, 19 May, we invite you to take part in an exciting solidarity hike in support of the Catalan 22q Syndrome Association, a noble cause that deserves our full support. The 9.5 km walk will start at 9:00 am from the Centre Cívic El Pi Novell in Sant Pere de Vilamajor. For just €5 registration fee, you can contribute to this charitable cause while enjoying a pleasant walk through beautiful scenery. We also recommend that you pick up your number in advance at the Fira de la Primavera on 28 May at the Parc de la Rectoria in Sant Pere de Vilamajor.
We are proud to announce that Picart will be one of the sponsors of this event, showing our commitment to solidarity and social initiatives in our community.
The Catalan Association of the 22q Syndrome arises from the need to offer our autonomous community a meeting place for families affected by the 22q syndrome. Its objectives include promoting in the Autonomous Community of Catalonia the appropriate treatments for people affected by the Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome (VCFS), also known as Di George Syndrome or Chromosome 22q11 Delection Syndrome, among other names. In addition, they collaborate with the different administrations responsible for the implementation of an effective system for the treatment of the clinical consequences of people and families affected by this syndrome, especially in areas such as language, communication, cognitive aspects and the emotional and social development of the person.
The hike is open to everyone, with a low difficulty, it is an opportunity for people of all ages to join us in support of this charitable cause. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy an active day of solidarity in Sant Pere de Vilamajor. The walk is an excellent way to contribute to a noble cause while enjoying nature and the company of other participants.
Join us in this solidarity walk and let’s make a difference together!