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Tips for training a cat

When we talk about training we always think of a dog. We have the idea that a cat is always on its own and will not listen to us if we try to train it.

It is true that cats behave more independently than dogs but, through patience, affection and positive reinforcement, you can also educate your cat. And you can set guidelines or routines that will allow you to live together better.

When the cat sees that by following these rules, it will feel more comfortable, we can assure you that the training process will be really effective. However, you must use positive reinforcement, based on affectionate recognition, rewards or gentle words and caresses. This will ensure that your cat will be willing to continue to learn alongside you and to take on new challenges that will be beneficial to him.

Before starting the training

It is important to understand the psychology of cats in order to know how they think and to better understand their behaviour.
As specialists in the animal world, we can tell you that for a cat to learn basic rules it is important that it is socialised and is used to people, as it will be difficult for a wild cat to learn to follow certain guidelines.

Felines are territorial, affectionate, independent animals and also have certain needs and priorities in their routines.

If a cat has its basic needs fulfilled, it is more likely to be in a good mood to play and also to learn. And what are these basic needs?

  • Being well fed and liking his cat food. Find out what’s best for your cat to eat.
  • Keep the food and the sandbox clearly separated and always clean.
  • Have clean, fresh water available.
  • Have shelters at different heights around the house, to climb on or hide in when seeking quiet and comfort.

4 basic tips for raising a cat

There are some basic rules for training your cat that are not difficult to follow. If you execute them properly, you will see results immediately.

  1. Always use the same word for each action, as well as the same gestures and tone. Yes, no, come, stop… are some examples. Choose short words.
  2. Apply the rule at the right time. For example, make him understand that he can’t break something just when he has just broken it. If you try a few hours later, he won’t understand.
  3. Use treats. If you want to teach him to come with you when you call him, to get him to respond to your call you can choose a treat or toy that he likes, such as an edible treat or a mouse with a bell. While you are showing it to him, call him and give him the reward quickly, letting him sniff it and then congratulating him for coming. It is preferable to repeat this two or three times and then stop, so that he does not get tired of it Repeat it on different days until he has really integrated this association..
  4. Use signs. You can teach him to signal you when he wants to go to the litter box, when he is short of water or food, when he wants to go outside… This will make your communication much more effective.

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